TX Text Control .NET Server is a word processing engine for ASP.NET environments (C# and VB.NET). Unlike the other versions of TX Text Control, it is not an editor with dialog boxes and menus into which an end-user types.
Build word processing applications you can count on with TX Text Control .NET.
-Bullets and Numbered Lists:Every Aspect of bullets and numbered lists can be influenced from program code. Lists can be incremented and numbered automatically.
-Character and Paragraph Formatting:A wide range of rich text and paragraph formatting options are available from program code. Developers can manipulate text server-side, just as end-users would in a WYSIWYG client side word processor.
-Document Sections:Documents can be divided into an unlimited number of different sections, each one of which may be individually formatted.
-Headers and Footers:Headers and footers are accessible from program code and are loaded from and saved to MS Word or RTF files.
-Hypertext Links:Hyperlinks can be defined within a TX Text Control .NET Server document, loaded from and saved to HTML files.
-Multi-Level Undo / Redo:Programmers can add multiple levels of undo and redo to their applications, providing end-users an easy path to correct mistakes they may make.
-Page and Document Settings:Developers can access and define document settings, such as page size, orientation, margins and default printer amongst others from program code.
-Printing:Printing is available in all editions. A single function call is required to print documents, complete with graphics, tables, page numbers etc.
-Search and Replace:Flexible search and replace functionality can be accessed from program code, making the development of powerful Batch applications easy.
-Stylesheet Formatting:Complete separation of content and formatting is offered with this feature. Stylesheets, defining the look and feel of a document, can be accessed and defined from program code.
-And so on